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Robert Perske

If you have not done so before or recently, I recommend accessing Robert Perske’s website. It contains many of his published and unpublished writings. Perske writes compellingly of the vulnerability of impaired people. His chapter… Read More »Robert Perske

SRV in the News

This is the first of what I hope will be a regular column dedicated to “SRV in the News”. At SRV workshops we often give examples from the media; some of these are current, while… Read More »SRV in the News

New blogger

I am pleased to announce that Steve Tiffany will be joining us as a regular blogger. We have had several excellent guest posts from Steve in the past and look forward to his more regular… Read More »New blogger

good PASSING resource

For several years, we have been including this 2001 article by Ray Lemay in our packets for participants at PASSING workshops. The article is entitled ‘Good intentions and hard work are not enough.’ It can help… Read More »good PASSING resource

SRV study tip #4

In the last post about studying SRV and PASSING, we looked at the image (1) and competency (2) enhancement subscores in the PASSING tool, under the subheadings of setting (1), grouping (2), activities (3), and… Read More »SRV study tip #4