Material on social roles on history website
Reference to social roles on a world history website. Note the links to SRV material under ‘Related resources.’
Reference to social roles on a world history website. Note the links to SRV material under ‘Related resources.’
A 14 June 2009 NY Times article entitled ‘For Dementia’s Restless Minds, Therapy From Dusk to Dawn’ described a human service program at the Hebrew Home at Riverdale (NY, US). From the article: The patients… Read More »‘Therapy from dusk to dawn’
Wolfensberger’s April 2010 article (and recent workshops being taught in Massachusetts and Ontario) on how services should function in times of shrinking financial resources is generating lots of comments. This blog has several lengthy posts… Read More »Another blog posting about Wolfensberger’s article on shrinking financial resources
John Armstrong, an SRV trainer in Australia, runs this SRV website with loads of information about upcoming training events, articles, etc. It also has information about the upcoming SRV conference in Australia.
I’m not sure why this page of information about social roles is on this website about accountants in San Diego, but it is! Note the references to SRV listed under ‘Web resources.’
The Braddock library at the Institute on Disability and Human Development, University of Illinois in Chicago (US), contains a number of items from the collections of David Braddock and of Wolfensberger. Note that the catalog… Read More »Braddock Library at IDHD, Univ. of Illinois