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SRV study tip #5

Continuing with our most recent series of posts on learning about SRV through the PASSING manual and workshop, I want to take a brief look at the glossary section of the 2007 manual (pp. 29-40).… Read More »SRV study tip #5

good PASSING resource

For several years, we have been including this 2001 article by Ray Lemay in our packets for participants at PASSING workshops. The article is entitled ‘Good intentions and hard work are not enough.’ It can help… Read More »good PASSING resource

SRV study tip #4

In the last post about studying SRV and PASSING, we looked at the image (1) and competency (2) enhancement subscores in the PASSING tool, under the subheadings of setting (1), grouping (2), activities (3), and… Read More »SRV study tip #4

SRV study tip #3

To continue with our last post on the PASSING tool and workshop, we saw in that post that PASSING builds on the twofold SRV strategy of image enhancement (PASSING ratings beginning with a ‘1’) and… Read More »SRV study tip #3

SRV study tip #2

I was at 2 different PASSING workshops fairly recently and as always I was struck at the power, clarity and utility of the PASSING manual and workshop for raising consciousness, deepening one’s understanding of SRV,… Read More »SRV study tip #2